Planet Rush

Mobile game


Personal Project

My role

Game development

User Interface









Planet Rush is a hyper casual mobile game created for the android platform. The object of the game is to avoid targets in the beat of the music and collect elements. After four planets, the game area changes, and new mechanics are introduced to the player.

I started the project in 2018 before my apprenticeship to get myself experience creating mobile games. I gave myself a time goal of three weeks, after which I should have a ready-made prototype that I could present to others. I agreed on a sci-fi space theme and would use simple models and materials to stay on my schedule.

I started the project by creating a to-do list for the project management program by writing the essential features which I want in the game. After that, I made a mood board, chose a color palette and a few font choices. Next, I set out to create several visual styles for the game using Blender and Affinity Designer. I chose one of the concept options and made an improved version of it.

I exported the sprite sheet to Unity and created an initial interface from it. After that, I started developing the game by creating a rough version of the level in Unity. At the same time, I tested that it follows the visual style. In the coding phase, I took advantage of a lot of tutorials. I used the PlayMaker add-on and a bit of C # on the development phase. Finally, when the game was functional, I finalized the level style by changing postprocessing, lighting, and materials. I then compared the different designs in the image processing software and chose the best option.


Mood board

Color Palette


Graphic style

Affinity, Blender & Unity

User interface

